Immuta’s Latest Updates Unlock Agility and Improve Accessibility

It’s been another busy quarter for Immuta’s engineering and product teams as they continue to build in-demand features and make key updates that our users are asking for. Our goal is always to provide a seamless user experience that makes creating and enforcing scalable, plain English data access control policies easy and transparent. With that in mind, we’re excited to introduce an update to our platform UI that has been in the works for several months.

In this blog, you’ll find a guide to what’s new in the platform, as well as some additional new features aimed at streamlining approval workflows and making policy enforcement more efficient and effective. If you’re interested in seeing these updates for yourself, feel free to speak to our team or start a free trial of Immuta.

Application Style & UX Update

By conducting in-depth research over many quarters and listening to feedback from customers, we’ve made substantial improvements to the Immuta platform UX in order to provide the best data access control experience. The Immuta UI was already simple to use, but these additional enhancements further enable decentralized policy management, making it easier for stakeholders who need to manage data access, like data governors and policy managers, to easily do so without the need for IT resources.

One of the key changes you will notice is an adjustment to the visual style with the use of more neutral, functional colors that are consistent with Immuta’s core branding.

We’ve also leveraged accessible colors that improve readability for users across the board. This helps ensure that text is legible for any user, without having to squint or adjust your screen’s brightness. If you’ve ever struggled to read a yellow notification on a white background, you know what a difference this makes!

Furthermore, the left hand navigation bar is now expandable to better identify each icon – something that many users have been asking for. The left navigation displays the section headline next to the icon, so you can quickly find what you’re looking for, without having to hover over the icon or guess. Depending on how you prefer to work, the navigation bar is collapsable as well as expandable.

For those who prefer it, this release enables dark mode. Note that you’ll have to set your browser to dark mode to see the new look.

Manual Approval for ABAC Subscription Policy

In addition to a new UX, Immuta’s new release also provides the ability to manually approve subscription policies. With this new feature, data governors can now create subscription policies using attribute-based access control (ABAC) and allow anyone the option to request access to the data source when a user does not exactly match the parameters of the ABAC policy. This is beneficial when urgent or unpredictable data access needs arise for data consumers because it prevents data governors from having to change the underlying subscription policy each time an edge case arises.

Learn more about these new features for yourself from a member of our team. Schedule a demo with us today.

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