Use Case

Federated Governance for Data Mesh

What is data mesh?

Data mesh is an architectural approach to managing data within distributed organizations. In contrast to the “data monolith” where a single team is responsible for enterprise-wide data management, data mesh has a decentralized and domain-oriented data architecture. This gives each business domain ownership of its data to create context-aware data products, govern their data, increase self-service, and improve collaboration. Read this blog to learn more about the four key pillars of data mesh.

The Data mesh security challenge

With dozens of data owners and hundreds of data products, data governance is the hardest part of managing, scaling, and deploying a data mesh. Distributed environments require guardrails within domains and global governance. This is why organizations need Federated Data Governance – a key pillar of data mesh.

Federated Data Governance upholds standards for security, privacy, and compliance without reverting to inefficient, centralized data management controls. In other words, some controls are distributed (aka “federated”) but domains still share governance responsibilities.


Data Domain ownership and centralized governance

Immuta gives domain owners control over their data with easy to use plain language policy builder to tag and create domain-specific access policies. Immuta also enables global policies that apply to all domains. This combination provides centralized governance with the ability to enforce polices across domains.

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Designed to secure 100s of data products

With Immuta, domain owners can document and register data products for discovery and access, centralize tag taxonomy, and automate access via metadata-driven policies. This enables self-service access via data product owner approval, helping to securely scale eliminated complexities in managing highly distributed data operations.

Self-service data access that’s still compliant

Immuta enables data owners to quickly create, manage, and enforce policies across data products, without complex access controls or administrative bottlenecks. With Immuta’s always-on data monitoring, teams can track how data products are consumed to detect threats and prove compliance.


Secure Data Mesh at Roche

Roche built a data mesh on Snowflake and produced 200+ data products in less
than two years.

“With Immuta, we can give our data product team tools to govern their own policies and access control. It allows them to do it a little quicker, a little more efficiently, and they understand their own data.”

Paul Rankin
Paul Rankin Head of Data Management Platforms
Immuta Features

The Immuta Advantage

Immuta provides the necessary data security capabilities to successfully implement data mesh successfully.


Easily implement domain-specific products with repeatable data access control patterns that require fewer policies and are more transparent.

Domain-specific policies

Manage data access using pre-built tags and create domain-specific policies that accelerate time to access data.

Standardized policy frameworks

Manage data access using pre-built tags and create domain-specific policies that accelerate time to access data.

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Unified Auditing and Reporting

Remove the centralized IT bottleneck with standardized framework of data access policies that are applied across all domains for federated governance.

Unified Auditing and Reporting

Monitor data access with unified audit and reporting across all domains for ease of proof of compliance.

Real-time Monitoring

Data security posture management across all domains with data and user activity monitoring for real-time behavior analysis and faster remediation.

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