
Data teams choose Immuta

Learn why customers choose Immuta to protect their sensitive data.

What customers say

Databricks opens up many opportunities for self-service data analytics, data science, and enterprise reporting. Paired with Immuta, we can make all our data available to all types of business analysts, data scientists and data engineers.

Ajay Sahu Director of Enterprise Data Management

Because we don't have to worry about the problems Immuta is solving, we move a lot faster in trying to solve the problems that are inherent to large mountains of data sitting in one place.

Carter Cousineau Vice President, Data & Model (AI/ML) Governance & Ethics

Even if the data is unstructured, we are very comfortable that Immuta will just work pretty much in the same way, which gives us confidence that we have the plan moving forward.

Luca Falsina Principal Software Engineer

Immuta is the go-to technology to implement our vision of an internal “Data & Analytics Marketplace”, enabling full transparency on the relevant data assets with secure and compliant data access.

Walid Mehanna Head of Data & Analytics

What if all those organizations could just create those rules, save it and be able to know in an auditable way that those rules are being followed, which is where Immuta came in for us.

John Wilson VP, Advanced Analytics

We looked at a number of options and Immuta came to the top for a number of reasons. One was the granularity of controls that we could have on the data across roles. At the time, nobody else was really able to accomplish that. That led us to understand that if we can get to that level of granularity, we can demonstrate that we’re applying controls across our customers’ data.

Kaj Pedersen Chief Technology Officer

This strategic decision is enabling us to drive business innovation, improve data-driven decision making, reduce costs, and enhance the customer experience, while mitigating risk and adhering to compliance and regulatory standards.

Vineeth Menon Head of Data Lake Engineering

One of the really big advantages that Immuta has given us, from a return-on-investment perspective, is our ability to make change happen faster. Previously, it would take months of manual assessments and working through the challenges around how we could access and use data to help create the best products for our customers. We can now do that in an instant, globally, across all of our data.

Dave Abrahams Executive General Manager

We replaced our access control roles within Roche from 300 plus roles down to one using Immuta’s attribute level access control feature and the new table grants access feature.

Paul Rankin Head of Data Management Platforms

Immuta ensures that we don’t get distracted from our core mission. As a market-leading product, Immuta gives us the easiest, shortest, safest path to do exactly what our customers need. And, by the way, Immuta’s support has been great.

Slava Frid CTO

No job is too big for Immuta

World class organizations choose Immuta to help keep their most sensitive data secure at scale.


Data sources secured


Data policies managed


Safe queries

Customer stories